
  • In-District/Local Mileage

    Staff should use the form below to submit in-district/local mileage. The information should be typed into the form which will automatically calculate the mileage reimbursement. The form can then be printed out, signed, and turned in to the supervisor for approval.

    Please note that the tab marked Mileage Procedures, while the tab Mileage Chart includes a chart of mileage between district facilities.

    HSD Mileage Reimbursement Form

  • Make sure you are using internet explorer and are signed into the Hazelwood intranet using your staff login and password. The following links will not work on any other web browser.

    Travel Forms

    Staff should use the forms below for conference/out-of-district travel.

    You will need to login using your Hazelwood Login and Password or your assigned Travel Login and Password.


    Travel Approval Request and Procedures