• Every student in the Hazelwood School District is required to complete at least 50 hours of community service to graduate. Hours must be completed thirty days before graduation.

    Transfer students will be required to complete 12.5 hours of community service for every year they attend in the District schools.

    How Do I Obtain Community Service Hours?

    • Community Service office has a list of organizations/businesses needing volunteers. 
    • Obtain an approval form from the Community Service office in your school. 
    • Return the completed form and obtain approval from the Community Service Coordinator. 
    • Upon approval, obtain an Evaluation Form from the Community Service Coordinator. 
    • Complete project. 
    • You and agency supervisor complete the Evaluation Form. Return the completed Evaluation Form within two weeks of completion of project. 
    • Community Service hours will be credited to your record. 

    Available Service

    • Must benefit the community or the school. 
    • Must be unpaid. 
    • Must be completed outside of the student's normal school day. 
    • Must be completed in addition to class requirements 
    • Can be completed for anyone outside of family members. 
    • Can be completed for any organization other than political groups 
    • Can be earned anytime except while a student is serving out-of-school suspension

    Why Community Service?

    The number of high school students involved in community service programs has risen from 81,000 in 1984 to nearly 3 million in 1997 (National Service Clearinghouse).

    Community service programs are being implemented to help counteract the sense of isolation that many experts attribute to the growing amount of violence in the schools.

    Most schools with community service learning cited strengthening relationships among students, the school, and the community as key reasons for practicing community service.

    Community service has long been viewed as a possible means of improving education. John Dewey, an advocate of service learning, believed that students would learn more effectively and become better citizens if they engaged in service to the community.

Community Service Documents