Facilities Rental

    • All outside organizations are required to have an updated Certificate of Liability Insurance on file with the district, naming the Hazelwood School District as “additional insured”.

    • Any outside organization holding an event at a Hazelwood School District facility is subject to facility/custodial/security fees, as outlined by the Hazelwood School Board.

    • Any outside organization holding an event at a Hazelwood School District facility, and claiming non-profit status, must provide proof of that status at the time of application.

    • Due to mitigation efforts surrounding COVID-19, all potential use will be subject to:
      • any District, St. Louis County, or other Governmental guidelines
      • availability at days and times when there are no students or staff in the building
      • the district's ability to properly clean and disinfect the facility prior to students or staff returning to the facility
      • Board Room will not be available for use by outside groups