- Hazelwood School District
- Hazelwood

- Different mascots, same pride.
The frontline of the Care to Learn program is the schools. Faculty, bus drivers, administrators, nurses, counselors and others are able to end suffering quickly by identifying students in need of help. Having a Care to Learn chapter in their school means many hunger, health, and hygiene issues can be addressed immediately and discreetly. Currently there are 32 Care to Learn chapters in Missouri, helping students every day.
The mission of Care to Learn is to provide immediate funding to meet emergent needs in the areas of health, hunger and hygiene so every student can be successful in school.
Today in Missouri, our students may:
- Arrive at school hungry, dirty, cold and/or ill.
- Miss school. Low income families are 4x more likely to be chronically absent.
- Struggle in school. With additional barriers in the way, potential is missed. Often, not because of lack of intelligence, but isolation and lack of self-esteem and self-worth.
We depend on student staff to identify unmet student health, hunger and hygiene needs you may see throughout your day. Please contact your School Nurse, School Social Worker or Christian Bertel, HSD Health Coordinator if you become aware of possible needs. Our desire is to partner with our community of parents, staff and businesses to address those needs immediately and in such a way as to prevent a child from further isolation. Please watch the attached Care to Learn video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-wAfUtIP_A
Care To Learn – Hazelwood
Contact: Christian Bertel, B.S.N., R.N. at cbertel@hazelwoodschools.org
or 314.953.5083
Donations can be mailed or delivered to:
Care to Learn Hazelwood
c/o Christian Bertel
15955 New Halls Ferry Road
Florissant MO 63031
Or donate now online.