Deppong, Scott
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- East High School
- Syllabus
AP Psychology
Dr. Deppong
Hazelwood East High School
2020-2021 school year
Course Description:
This is a college-level introductory psychology course that surveys the methods, approaches and history of psychology, the biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, learning, motivation and emotion, developmental psychology, personality, testing and intelligence, abnormal psychology, and therapies. A research paper is required. Reading and writing assignments will be substantial and challenging. This course reflects the National Psychology Standards, C3 Standards, and the Vermont standards for literacy and problem solving. Students are required to take the AP Psychology Exam.
Units of Study:
Memory Research methods and Statistics Language, Thinking, and Problem Solving Disorders/Abnormal Behavior Testing and Individual Differences Treatments Learning Biological Bases of Behavior Motivation and Emotion States of Consciousness Stress Sensation and Perception Personality Development History and Approaches Social Psychology.
Text: The Science of Psychology (4) An Appreciative View, Laura A. King
To achieve proficiency or exemplary performance on course standards you will need to be an active and productive participant in class. Full engagement, active listening and note taking, contributions to class discussion, participation in class demonstrations and labs, studying, thoughtful reading and clear writing will help prepare you for standards assessments. You will need to practice (read, study, write) both in class and outside of class. Knowledge of course content will be reinforced and be assessed in both formal and informal quizzes, tests, and writing assignments. Shorter, informal quizzes, writing assignments, activities, and writing assignments will not be assessed. Students will be clearly informed in class when an assignment will be formally assessed.
The Advanced Placement Exam:
A major goal of the class is to prepare students to take the Advanced Placement Psychology exam in May.
Classroom Expectations:
- Show Respect
- Use appropriate language
- Comply with reasonable requests
- Follow phone expectations (phones are on only when used for the class)
- Have appropriate interactions with peers & teacher
- Show Accountability
- Attempt / complete learning tasks
- Follow through with reassessment plans & appointments
- Come to class prepared
- Show Effort
- Take the initiative
- Submit quality work
- Use class time well & Stay on task
- Make learning a priority
Academic Integrity Policy:
Academic Integrity represents students’ commitment to honesty and respect for themselves, their teachers, and their peers. It also demonstrates a student’s responsibility for their own learning. Academic misconduct, intentional or unintentional, is unacceptable. Please see the Parent & Student Handbook for further information.
List of Assessed Course Standards: Content Standards:
- I can demonstrate understanding of the Information Processing Model of Memory, the biological processes involved in memory, and concepts that interfere with and enhance memory.
- I understand the basic elements comprising thought, obstacles related to thought, and how language is structured and develops in humans.
- I understand the various perspectives on intelligence, various assessment methods, and issues in intelligence.
- I can differentiate the terminology and concepts of learning theories, identify the brain structures primarily involved with learning, describe biological processes involved in learning.
- I can differentiate between the major theories and explanations of motivation and emotion, explain the role of specific brain, and body structures in motivated behavior and emotional response.
- I can explain the factors that contribute to stress responses, the physiological response to stress, and effective ways to cope with stress.
- I understand the perspectives on personality (psychoanalytic, behavioral, social cognitive, humanistic, trait, and type), assessment of personality, and issues in personality.
- I can distinguish between the major perspectives in psychology, understanding that behavior can be explained in multiple ways; identify the major subfields of psychology and their practical applications; describe and evaluate research methods used in psychology: experimental, correlational, clinical research, research ethics; and statistics.
- I can distinguish between normal behavior and criteria used by psychologists to determine abnormal behavior, and discuss the major categories of psychological disorders (neurodevelopmental and schizophrenic spectrum disorders; bipolar, depressive, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive and related disorders; trauma- and stressor-related, dissociative, and somatic symptom and related disorders; feeding and eating, substance and addictive, and personality disorders).
- I can describe the appropriateness of multiple modes of treatment for people with psychological disorders, and describe the characteristics of effective treatment.
- I understand the structure and function of the nervous system in human and non-human animals, the structure and function of the endocrine system, the interaction between biological factors and experience, methods and issues related to biological advances.
- I understand the relationship between conscious and unconscious processes, characteristics of sleep and theories that explain why we sleep and dream, categories of psychoactive drugs and their effects, and other states of consciousness.
- I understand the processes of sensation and perception, the capabilities and limitations of sensory processes, interaction of the person and the environment in determining perception.
- I understand the methods and issues in lifespan development, theories of lifespan development, prenatal development and the newborn, infancy, and adolescence.
- I understand social cognition, social influence, and social relations.
Skills Standards:
- I can determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source, and provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
- I can write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
- Using Evidence *D2.Psy.15.9-12. I can use existing evidence and formulate conclusions about psychological phenomena.* (Mid-term and Final Research Papers)
4.Ethical Solutions *D2.Psy.20.9-12. I can suggest psychologically based ethical solutions to actual problems including, but not limited to, those encountered in education, business and industry, and the environment. * (Mid-term and Final Research Papers)
* Required Standards (Midterm Research Essay and Final Project Research Paper)
Performance Indicator
1a.Demonstrate understanding of the Information Processing Model of Memory, the biological processes involved in memory, and concepts that interfere with and enhance memory.
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Memory Content Standards 1,2,3
A. Identify the Information Processing Model of memory, the 3 Stores Model of memory, and the biological processes involved in memory.
B. Name and give examples of mnemonic devices,
describe the type of interference, describe the role of memory reconstruction and the misinformation effect.
C. Identify the names and functions of the major brain structures involved in memory.
1b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the central ideas of Tolman’s research, cognitive maps; and Loftus’ research, misinformation effect.
1c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. Identify individual elements of an essay prompt.
B. Formulate a response that clearly addresses what is
asked for in the essay prompt.
2a. After concluding this unit students will understand:
1. Basic elements comprising thought.
2. Obstacles related to thought.
3. How language is structure and develops in humans.
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Thinking Content Standards 1,2:
Language Development Standards 1
A. Describe the process of language development in children.
B. Understand the theories of language acquisition.
C. Identify the basic components of language.
D. Identify and label the structures in the brain critical to language.
E. Explain the theories of cognitive processing.
F. Define and apply several problem solving strategies.
2b. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. How to develop an outline in response to a prompt.
B. Write an essay that address all the elements of the prompt.
3a. After concluding this unit students will understand:
1. Perspectives on intelligence
2. Assessment of intelligence
3. Issues in intelligence
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Intelligence Content Standards 1,2,3
A. Distinguish between several intelligence theories.
B. Describe the history of intelligence testing.
3b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the central ideas of Rosenthal and Zajonc.
3c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. How to develop an outline in response to a prompt.
B. Write an essay that address all the elements of the prompt.
4a. Differentiate the terminology and concepts of learning
theories.Identify the brain structures primarily involved
with learning. Describe biological processes involved
in learning.
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Learning Content Standards 1,2,3
A. Distinguish between different classical, operant, and social
learning scenarios.
B. Identify and label the brain structures involved with learning.
C. Explain Long Term Potentiation, mirror neurons.
4b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the central ideas of Pavlov, Watson, and
Skinner as relate to learning theory.
4c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. Identify individual elements of an essay prompt.
B. Formulate a response that clearly addresses what is asked for in
the essay prompt.
5a. Differentiate between the major theories and explanations of motivation and emotion.
Explain the role of specific brain and body structures in motivated behavior and emotional response.
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Motivation Content Standards 1,2; Emotion Content Standards 1,2,3
A. Describe the biological bases of motivation and emotion.
B. Differentiate between motivation and emotion.
C. Describe the major motives of hunger, thirst, sex, and pain.
D. Understand and describe the role of social motives.
E. Describe and differentiate between the theories of emotion.
5b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the search findings of Bandura, Ekman,
Masters and Johnson, and Ross.
5c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. Identify individual elements of an essay prompt.
B. Formulate a response that clearly addresses what is
asked for in the essay prompt.
6a. Explain the factors that contribute to stress responses.
Explain the physiological response to stress.
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula: Health Content Standards 1,2
A. Identify major categories of Stressors.
B. Explain possible psychological reactions to stress.
C.Explain cognitive and behavioral strategies to deal with stress and
promote health
D.Identify the names and functions of the major brain and body
structures involved in stress.
E. Explain possible physiological reactions to stress.
6b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among
the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the central ideas of Langer, Holmes and Rahe, Friedman & Rosenman, and Calhoun.
6c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. Identify individual elements of an essay prompt.
B. Formulate a response that clearly addresses what is
asked for in the essay prompt.
7a. After concluding this unit students will understand:
1. Perspectives on personality
2. Assessment of personality
3. Issues in personality
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Personality Content Standards 1,2,3
A. Recognize the various theories explaining human personality.
B. Understand how psychologists assess personality.
7b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the central ideas of Rotter, Triandis,
Freud, Bem, Seligman, Rorschach, and Murray
7c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. How to develop an outline in response to a prompt.
B. Write an essay that address all the elements of the prompt.
8a. Distinguish between the major perspectives in psychology, understanding that behavior can be explained in multiple ways.
Identify the major subfields of psychology and their practical applications.
Describe and evaluate research methods used in psychology
1. Experimental, correlational, and clinical research
2. Statistics
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Perspectives in Psychological Science Content Standards 1,2,3
Research Methods, Measurement, and Statistics Content Standards 1,2,3
A. Name the major contemporary perspectives in psychology
and associate each with its approach.
B. Differentiate between the various subfields of psychology.
C. Describe a research design given a hypothesis, and/or identify the
flaws in a research design.
D. Demonstrate understanding and use of basic descriptive and
inferential statistics.
8b. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. How to develop an outline in response to a prompt.
B. Write an essay that address all the elements of the prompt.
9a. Distinguish between normal behavior and criteria used by psychologists to determine abnormal behavior.
Discuss the major categories of abnormal behavior.
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Psychological Disorders Content Standards 1,2
A. Distinguish between normal behavior and criteria used by psychologists to determine abnormal behavior given examples.
B. Identify the major categories of abnormal behavior.
9b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the central ideas of Rosenhan.
9c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. How to develop an outline in response to a prompt.
B. Write an essay that address all the elements of the prompt.
10a. Describe the appropriateness of multiple modes of treatment
for people with psychological disorders.
Describe the characteristics of effective treatment.
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Treatment of Psychological Disorders Content Standards 1,2,3
A. Identify the characteristic of the major therapeutic approaches.
B. Evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.
10b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the central ideas of Smith & Glass, and
B. Explain the various therapeutic advances for treating biologically
based psychological disorders.
10c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. How to develop an outline in response to a prompt.
B. Write an essay that address all the elements of the prompt.
*11.a Mid-term essay.
a. Students design, conduct, and present research that analyzes and interprets social, and contemporary contexts in order to demonstrate understanding of societies and public issues.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #2 for History and Social Studies
b. Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources.
A. Write a coherent research essay on a psychology related contemporary issue that includes analysis of the psychological causes of the issue and ways to apply psychological concepts to address the issue.
12a. After concluding this unit
students will understand:
1. Structure and function of the nervous system in human and non-human animals.
2. Structure and function of the endocrine system.
3. The interaction between biological factors and experience.
4. Methods and issues related to
biological advances.
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Biological Basis of Behavior Content Standards 1,2,3,4
A. Explain the processes for studying brain and nervous
system functioning.
B.Describe the functions of the major division and structures of the brain.
C.Describe the functional organization of the nervous system.
D.Describe and illustrate neural transmission.
E.Describe the functioning of the neuroendocrine system.
F.Understand the role of genetics in human behavior.
G.Understand the function of neurotransmitters and hormones.
12b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the central ideas of Rosenzweig,
Gazzaniga and Bouchard.
12c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. How to develop an outline in response to a prompt.
B. Write an essay that address all the elements of the prompt.
13a. After concluding this unit students will understand:
1. The relationship between conscious and unconscious
2. Characteristics of sleep and theories that explain why we
sleep and dream
3. Categories of psychoactive drugs and their effects
4. Other states of consciousness
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Consciousness Content Standards 1,2,3,4
A. Evaluate the differences in states of consciousness.
B. Describe the stages of sleep.
C. Understand the process of hypnosis.
D. Research and describe the various categories of
psychoactive drugs.
E. Understand the process of hypnosis and the controversy
over its use.
13b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the central ideas of Aserinsky & Dement,
and Spanos
13c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. How to develop an outline in response to a prompt.
B. Write an essay that address all the elements of the prompt.
14a. After concluding this unit students will understand:
1. The processes of sensation and perception
2. The capabilities and limitations of sensory processes
3. Interaction of the person and the environment in determining perception
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Sensation and Perception Content Standards 1,2,3
A.Differentiate between sensation and perception
B. Label and describe the function and processes of the sensory systems.
C.Describe the role of attention in perception.
D. Describe the theories of perceptual processes.
14b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the central ideas of Gibson, and Fantz.
14c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. How to develop an outline in response to a prompt.
B. Write an essay that address all the elements of the prompt.
15a. After concluding this unit
students will understand:
1. Methods and issues in lifespan development
2. Theories of lifespan development
3. Prenatal development and the newborn
4. Infancy (i.e., the first two years of life)
5. Adolescence
National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula:
Life Span Development Content Standards 1,2,3,4,5
A. Describe physical, social, and cognitive changes across the life- span.
B. Match Piaget's, Erikson’s, and Kohlberg’s Theories of development.
C. Use vocabulary and concepts specific to developmental psychology.
15b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the central ideas of Harlow, Piaget
and Kohlberg.
15c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. How to develop an outline in response to a prompt.
B. Write an essay that address all the elements of the prompt.
16a. After concluding this unit students will understand:
1. Social cognition
2. Social influence
3. Social relations
A. Differentiate between situational and dispositional
factors in attribution
B. Understand attitudinal factors in stereotyping and prejudice
C. Describe the milestone studies on conformity, compliance, and
D. Describe factors that contribute to aggression and
antisocial behavior
E. Describe the elements of group dynamics
16b. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
A. Identify and describe the central ideas of Zimbardo, Asch, Darley,
and Milgram.
16c. Write an effective essay using the AP Psychology format.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #1 for History and Social Studies
A. How to develop an outline in response to a prompt.
B. Write an essay that address all the elements of the prompt.
*17. Research Project
a. Students design, conduct, and present research that analyzes and interprets social, and contemporary contexts in order to demonstrate understanding of societies and public issues.
BSU K-12 Power Standard #2 for History and Social Studies
b. Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources.
A. Write a coherent research essay on a psychology topic of interest to the student that applies one of several research methods and includes analysis of the psychological issues investigated.
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