

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Kristie Sellman

Welcome to Mrs. Sellman's page! 

I have been at East since 2016. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Special Education, with certificatioin in K-12 mild/moderate cross-categorical. Prior to coming to East I worked as a paraprofessional, both in ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) and as a teacher assistant.  I also put  a few years into the business/corporate world. 

I love working with your student and look forward to working with you. Please reach out to me with questions or concerns.

How to contact Mrs. Sellman:

email - or

Google Voice phone number @ 314-384-6492

leave a message with name, student name and best contact number. I will do my best to return a call or email within 24 hours of being received.


Classroom/office phone - 314-653-8350 

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