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Volleyball Tryout Information
The 2024-2025 Volleyball tryouts will begin for 6th/7th Grade August 26th and 27th after school in the gym until 4:20. Parents will need to pick up students no later than 4:30 otherwise they will not be able to attend and tryout. The activity bus will also be available after school to take the students home.
6th/7th Grade Sponsor: Ms. Berger
Email: mberger@hazelwoodschools.org
8th Grade Volleyball tryouts will be held on August 28th and 29th after school in the gym till 4:20 pm. Parents will need to pick up students no later than 4:30 pm otherwise students will not be able to attend and tryout. The activity bus will also be available after school to take the students home.
8th grade Volleyball Sponsor: Mrs. Laskowski
Email: jlaskwsk@hazelwoodschools.org
Things you need in order to tryout:
1. Students must have a physical completed by the doctor and have the form turned into the coach before they tryout.
2. Permission slips will be available in the cafeteria in the filing cabinet. Permissions slips are also on this school page below. They will need to be filled out and turned in to the correct coach before they attend tryouts.
3. Students must have althetic clothes and tennis shoes in order to tryout. No crocs, jeans, boots etc are allowed to tryout.
*If #1-2 are not completed and turned in before tryout the student will not be allowed to attend tryouts. #3 should also be followed in order to tryout.
8th graders will turn their permission slips into Mrs. Laskowski.
6th/7th graders will turn their permission slips into Ms. Berger.
Practices: After school 3:15-4:20.
Volleyball players are expected to maintain a 2.5 GPA in the classroom. Any player who receives an after school detention will receive limited playing time. If a student receives ISS they will not play in the game. If a student receives OSS they will no longer participate on the team. Players are required to be a leader on and off the court as well as follow the Panther Paw laws. By being respectful, responsible, cooperative and safe.