Hazelwood North Middle School

A Culture of High Expectations and Excellence


  • Supply List

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  • Uniforms are optional for the 2024-2025 school year; however, North Middle will enforce Hazelwood School District's Dress Code Policy. 

    Below is the 24-25 school year dress code policy. 

    Must wear shoes and appropriately fitted clothing that cover undergarments from the neckline to the knee.

    What NOT to wear:

    (Not covered in the visual)

    • NO PJ’s or Blankets

    • NO Hats or Head Coverings

    • NO offensive or Inappropriate wear, including bandana print

    • NO yoga pants or tights

    • ALL rips or tears must be covered with no skin visible

    (Covered in visual)

    • NO Sleeveless Tops

    • NO see-through wear

    • NO sagging or visible undergarments

    School ID  MUST be worn at all times

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  • AMI Information 

    In the case of Alternative Methods of Instruction days (AMI), North Middle School will provide online learning activities for students.  The online activities are not optional and are expected to be completed by all students by the end of each day. Students can access their assignments on AMI/Inclement Weather Days in their Google Classroom. Student attendance on AMI days, will be based on completion of the assignments given that day.

    Teachers will be available throughout the day to offer support for students. Each teacher will provide the time he/she will be available to students on Google Meet to assist students on AMI/Inclement Weather days. Parents and students can access teachers via email and/or phone throughout the entire instructional day on AMI/Inclement Weather days. If a parent contacts a teacher outside of school hours, that teacher will reply to the parent via email or phone within 24 hours.

    Please use the link below to access your child’s Google Meets.

    NMS AMI Google Meet Links

    AMI Video

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