Athletic Office Staff

  • Activities/Athletic Director

    Mr. Scott Borcherding



    Activities Office

    Mrs. Veronica Hardwick - Secretary

    (314) 953-5436



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If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.


    All student-athletes and their parents must first have the student-athlete's online Privit Pre-Participation Clearance profile completed by a parent or guardian and then cleared by the activities office prior to being allowed to tryout, practice or physically participate. Please see the instructional link or pick up the instructions outside the activities office to complete your Privit profile. Thank you. 


  • Attention Hawk Fans! Please see the link below to view all home games played at The Fieldhouse and Hawk Stadium!

    Comments (-1)

    Welcome the Hawk athletic/activity website.  Hazelwood Central is rich in tradition and we are proud of our accomplishments.  Continous improvement remains our focus each and every day.  We commit to the growth of student learning, behavior, citizenship, and participation.  It's a great day to be a hawk!


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