Hazelwood Central High School

A Culture of High Expectations and Excellence

CHS Daily Announcements

  • Announcements for Monday, November 4, 2024                      
    Bus 80 will double back for Bus 83    Bus  82 will double back for Bus 74  

    Girls' Basketball Tryouts will begin today. If you are interested in playing this season, please bring appropriate basketball attire and meet coach Holloway in the small gym.

    Anyone interested in trying out for Winter Cheerleading must attend the mandatory skills clinic this today and Wednesday from 2:35 - 5pm.  Tryouts will be Thursday, November 7th at 2:35pm. All current 9th-12th grade students are eligible to try out! Scan the QR code to fill out your tryout form TODAY!
    The National Honor Society will meet in H112 on Wednesday, November 6th. Bring your t-shirt order forms to the meeting. 
    Attention all Hawks! Ordering for Hawk Gear is now available. Scan the QR Code on the flyer throughout the building.
    The 21st Annual Veterans Concert presented by the CHS Symphonic Band and Concert Band will be Thursday, November 7th at 6 P.M. 
    CHS Fall Sports Awards Banquet is Thursday, November 21st. Tickets are $5 on sale now through November 18th. Scan the QR Code throughout the building to purchase tickets. No tickets will be sold at the door! Doors open at 6 P.M.
    North Tech is accepting applications for January and August 2025. Pick your program and submit your application today! Scan the QR Code on the flyer throughout the building. Apply before the priority enrollment deadline - December 19, 2024.

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