- North Middle School
- Katie Fitzgerald

Phone: 314-953-7537 or 314-717-0217
Degrees and Certifications:
BS Elementary Education MAT Social Studies
Miss Katie Fitzgerald
I began my career in Hazelwood at Hazelwood Middle School and then moved to North when the building opened. I have been here since the building opened in 2007.
I completed my Bachelor’s of Science in Elementary Education with a Minor in History at the University of Missouri. I completed my Master of the Art’s of Teaching in Social Studies at Webster University.
I truly love history and take the opportunity to learn about it anywhere I can. This includes trips with stops at historical attractions, reading books/newspapers about history and viewing documentaries related to our 7th grade curriculum. I use my love and extra knowledge of my content area to help supplement the lessons provided by the textbooks. I try to integrate hands-on materials, such as cloth or grains, into my lessons to give my students a better understanding of the unit they are studying.
I am also a great lover of sports. I have played sports all my life, including basketball, volleyball, and softball. I am a huge fan of Mizzou Football and St. Louis Cardinals Baseball. I try to integrate sports into my examples to help students connect our units to their real lives.
I’m not married and have no kids but I have two fur-babies. I have a Golden Retriever named Mizzy and a Goldendoodle puppy named Zouri. They take up most of my time outside of school.
I hope this gives you a little insight into my life as a teacher and my background. I look forward to getting to know your child and your family this school year. I believe that a good partnership between parents, teachers and students helps ensure success for all students.
Please contact me by email at kfitzger@hazelwoodschools.org

All assignments and information can be found on google classroom. To log in use your child's student number. As a password use HSD and your child's birthday mm/dd/yy