Ms. Smith-Butler- Accelerated School Counselor

  • Ms. Machalene J. Smith-Butler is the Accelerated School Counselor for all East Middle and East High School Accelerated Students and has been with Hazelwood School District since 2018.

    She completed her undergraduate studies at Tennessee State University, earning her Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice with minors in Psychology and Sociology. Ms.  Smith-Butler has 11 years of case management experience through local group homes & the Preferred Family Healthcare Adolescent Drug Treatment program. She, also, has 10 years of combined experience working as a Career Development/Transition Specialist and Psychiatric Technician. She completed her graduate studies at Missouri Baptist University, earning her Master of Counseling in K-12 School Counseling and Mental Health Counseling. 

    Ms. Smith-Butler is the Dual Enrollment Liaison for East High School, our Chapter Advisor for the HEMS National Junior Honor Society, and the Head Volleyball Coach for East High School.

    She loves helping students develop positive self-development and “sowing seeds” to aid students in growth toward being the best they can be!


    “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but building the new.”  ~Socrates”