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The Counseling Department at Hazelwood West offers a variety of services. It's primary service is to assist each student in his/her continued developmental, educational, and vocational growth. Thus, the student receives information about developing positive self-concepts and interpersonal skills as well as assistance in planning and adjusting his/her classes. The student also gains information about careers and receives assistance in seeking financial aid and scholarships for his/her post-secondary education. The counseling staff consists of six counselors.
Hazelwood West High School Counseling Department Information and Resources
Counselors' Contact Information
To maintain confidentiality, HWHS School Counseling Department Staff will respond to Parent/Guardian emails that can be verified through Infinite Campus and respond to students via Hazelwood School District issued email accounts.
Students are assigned a counselor based on their last name.
9th Grade:
Mrs. Lisa Raineri: A- J (lbirknmr@hazelwoodschools.org
Mr. Andrae Dobbins: K -Z (adobbins@hazelwoodschools.org)
10th Grade:
- Mrs. Karen Isaac- Seals: A- Pi (kisaac@hazelwoodschools.org)
Ms. Nichole Powell: Pj- Z (npowell@hazelwoodschools.org)
- Mrs. Karen Isaac- Seals: A- Pi (kisaac@hazelwoodschools.org)
- 11th Grade:
- Ms. Nichole Powell: A-G (npowell@hazelwoodschools.org)
Ms. Alicha Mayweather: H-Z (amayweather@hazelwoodschools.org)
- Ms. Nichole Powell: A-G (npowell@hazelwoodschools.org)
- 12th Grade:
- Mrs. Sarah Adams: A-J (sadams4@hazelwoodschools.org)
Ms. Marie Boesch: K-Z (mboesch@hazelwoodschools.org)
- Mrs. Sarah Adams: A-J (sadams4@hazelwoodschools.org)
- College and Career Counselor:
- Dr. NaJeana Henderson: 9th-12th grades (nhenderson@hazelwoodschools.org)
- Dr. NaJeana Henderson: 9th-12th grades (nhenderson@hazelwoodschools.org)
HWHS Dropout Preventionist - Ashley Ellis (aellis1@hazelwoodschools.org)
HWHS Social Worker- Mr. Sherman Weaver (sweaver@hazelwoodschools.org)
HWHS Social Worker - Mrs. Sarah Amundson (samundson@hazelwoodschools.org)
HWHS School Psychologist - Katie Davis Ratcliff (knix@hazelwoodschools.org)
HWHS Counseling Office Secretary - Coryelle Scott (cscott1@hazelwoodschools.org)
**Students and Parents please check your email regularly for emails with helpful information from the HWHS Counseling department.
Grade Level Google ClassroomsDid you know that The HWHS Counseling Department has a Google Classroom specific to each grade level?
Each one has information regarding Summer Opportunities, A+, Dual Enrollment, Scholarships, Financial Aid, College Planning,
ACT information, Transcript request, and much more. Below is a list of the Google Classroom codes for each grade level:
9th Grade - f6zxaud
10th Grade - 2gt4qzd
11th Grade - fjfmhi3
12th Grade - 6xjanfx
The safety of our students and families is a top priority.
Please use the following resources as needed.
Mental Health Resources:
Behavioral Health Response (314) 469-6644
Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-392-3738
Crime Victims Advocacy Center (314) 652-3623
Crisis Nursery (314) 768-3201
Senior and Disability Abuse Hotline 1-800-392-0210
Homeless Hotline (314) 802-5444
KUTO(Kids Under Twenty-one)
Kid to Kid Hotline – Hours 4pm-10pm 1-888- 644-5886
Life Crisis/Suicide Hotline (314) 647-4357 (24/7)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
Poison Hotline 1-800-222-1222
Runaway and Troubled Youth Hotline 1-800-786-2929
Safe Connections (Women’s Crisis, Rape) (314) 531-2003 (24 hr.)
St. Louis County Youth Helpline (314) 628-2929
Youth In Need (636)946-3771 (24 hr.)
Youth Emergency Services (24 Hour) (314) 727-6294 or 1-800-899-KIDS
Food Assistance:
- Adventist Community Services (314) 429-0216
Community Helping Ministry (314) 770-2216
Hazelwood Baptist Church (314) 731-2244
Helping Hands Food Ministry (314) 741-4222
North County Meals on Wheels (314) 953-6800
Operation Food Search-Hunger Hotline 726-5355
Salvation Army (314) 423-7770 (Mon and Wed 10-12)
St. Louis Area Food Bank (314) 292-6262
Sts. John and James Church (314) 524-0500
TEAM (314) 831-0879
Trinity Church (314) 838-8820
Urban League (314) 388-9840
Zion United Church of Christ (314 ) 741-1590 (Tuesday 9- 12:30)