•  Love Each Other Text

    At McNair our students and staff find value and deeper connection in serving eachother and others in our community. In a typical school year, we typically see everything from more formal, organized projects to smaller, spontaneous good deeds.  Students are encouraged also to serve in the school and classroom in various leadership roles.

    Some recent more recent projects we've seen have included-

    • The "Shoeman Project"- Collecting gently used shoes to donate.
    • "Read, Right, Run"- Students READ 26 books, RIGHT the community with 26 good deeds, and RUN 26.2 miles over a six-month period.
    • Girls on the Run Service Projects- Our girls on the run team works together each fall on service projects, a couple of which in the last couple of school years have earned awards.  Most recently, the team created supply kits with essentials which could be handed off to people suffering from homelessness. The bags were donated to the mobile outreach unit at Youth In Need.
    • Students run a school store raising money to fund service projects
    • Students contribute in filling food backpacks weekly, which go to families within our own school community.
    • Student Advisory sponsored a very successful food drive donating hundreds of unperishable food items to a local pantry.
    • Staff regularly make donations to community organizations such as United Way, Arts in Education, and Hazelwood Bright Futures.
    • Students and staff participate in in the Hazelwood Run-Walk, sponsored by the Hazelwood PTA Council, funding college scholarships for graduating HSD seniors.

    We get a chance to recognize some of the smaller, daily acts of kindness on a regular basis publicly over the morning announements using our "You were caught" award.  After the announcement, the named students visit the office for a little treat, certificate and photo.


    School Store Photo

     The popular school store is set-up once per week in the morning.


    Students Picking up Litter

    Students spontaneously cleaning up the school grounds.

    Girls On The Run Service Project

    Girls On The Run team collected items to for homeless, which were donated to Youth In Need to use with their street outreach program.


    Food Drive Photo

    The 15-16 school year brought a couple of very successful food drives with items donated to TEAM Food Pantry.