Each Parents as Teachers affiliate connects families to needed resources and takes an active role in the community, establishing ongoing relationships with other institutions and organizations that serve families. Referrals to and coordination with other community resources and supports through Parents as Teachers services promote parental resilience, social connections, and concrete supports in times of need.

    Resource networks that Hazelwood Parents as Teachers program partners with include: St. Louis County Library, St. Louis Area Diaper Bank, Hazelwood Bright Futures, Friend of Moms Baby Boutique, TEAM Food Pantry, Santa’s Helpers, Hazelwood Families in Transition (FIT), Assistance League of St. Louis, Nurses for Newborns, Washington University School of Medicine, Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, YMCA Head Start, Family Resource Center, and Helping Hand-Me-Downs.  

    HSD Resources Guide 2016


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