A primary goal of any early childhood program must be to support the healthy growth and development of all children. Good health begins with knowing and understanding current scientific information and best practice guidelines. Screening provides regular information about each child’s health and developmental progress, increases parents’ understanding of their child’s development, and identifies strengths and abilities, as well as areas of concern.
Free developmental screenings are offered assessing vision, hearing, health, speech, language, motor skills and concepts. All children of families residing in the Hazelwood School District ages 4 months through 5 years are eligible to receive a yearly screening. The screening tools Hazelwood PAT uses are the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) for children 4-35 months old and the Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning (DIAL-4) for children ages 3-5 years.
Please contact the Hazelwood PAT program at (314) 953-7635 or to schedule your child’s FREE developmental screening.