• We are fortunate to have many partners in the community for assisting students and families to thrive both in and outside of school. These are a few...

  • Articles

  • Event Flyers


    Parents As Teachers



  • Tutoring

  • Local Agencies with Services/Lists

  • ParentLink- University of Missouri- “Parent Warm Line”


    Email us at parentlink@missouri.edu

    Text at 585-FAMILY1

    Missouri resident, call 1-800-552-8522 

    (Uses Language Select to answer calls from families and providers who speak any language.)

    --Visit with professionals who can assist you in thinking through solutions to your parenting concerns. WarmLine professionals have their Masters Degrees in human service fields such as Human Development and Family Studies, Social Work, and Education and Counseling Psychology. Obtain community service and other resource information.


    United Way 2-1-1

    BASIC NEEDS/Information

    Call 211

    Chat or online resources- https://www.211helps.org 

    food pantries • shelters • rent assistance • utility assistance • mortgage assistance

    Our 24/7 connection to agencies and resources near you. Serving United Way of Greater St. Louis’ service area and the entire state of Missouri, United Way 2-1-1 connects people to services that help them live their best possible lives – from basic needs to child care to disaster relief to counseling.


    St. Louis County Youth Connections Helpline


    Text 4HLP to 31658

    Chat online at https://www.keepingkidsfirst.org

    Call 314-628-2929

    Dedicated 24/7 hotline for youth, parents, guardians, or other concerned individuals to access crisis intervention, behavioral health and substance use assessment, and service linkage. Services are provided by master’s level professionals and are readily available by phone, SMS text, web chat, and in person through mobile outreach. 


    American Red Cross of Missouri

    For immediate assistance call St. Louis Office: 314-516-2800


    Disaster Relief and Recovery


    Food Assistance

    Operation Food Search-Hunger Hotline 314-726-5355/ https://www.operationfoodsearch.org/find-food/

    St. Louis Area Foodbank 314-292-6262/ https://www.stlfoodbank.org/programs-services/find-food/

    TEAM Food Pantry 314-831-0879/ https://www.teamfoodpantry.com/wp/


    Extensive List from Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition

    A local social service agency, The Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition, has put together a list of several different resources both in the St. Louis area and online to help individuals and families address immediate needs during this time. This list includes resources that can assist with financial concerns, home education, keeping kids busy, mental health practices, access to food, self-care, etc.
