- English Learner, Immigrant, and Migrant Education
- Benefits of the Seal of Biliteracy
Why should I try to attain the Seal of Biliteracy?

What are the benefits of the Seal of Biliteracy?
Several universities across the country recognize the Seal of Biliteracy in admission decisions and/or awarding credit. In Missouri:
- Missouri State University will grant 12 hours of foreign language credit to students who score Intermediate Mid on the AAPL (the assessment students will need to take as part of the Seal of Biliteracy application).
- Missouri Southern University will grant 12 hours of foreign language credit for any student who receives the Seal of Biliteracy.
- The University of Central Missouri will grant 12 hours of credit for students who receive the Seal of Biliteracy.
- Other universities and colleges that recognize the Seal of Biliteracy: Evangel University, Northwest Missouri State University, and Truman State University.
- The state is currently working with other universities for endorsements as well.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, “ research has demonstrated that the students who have received a Seal of Biliteracy are perceived as more desirable to employers across all industries surveyed. Sixty-six percent of employers responded that they would prefer a bilingual employee over a monolingual English speaker and that students who earned a seal would have an advantage in the hiring process.” (www.ncsl.org)
- The following businesses recognize the Seal of Biliteracy should a student choose to pursue a career after high school:
- Ameren
- Mastercard
- KMS Gateway Research Company
- Midwest BankCentre
- Missouri MELL
- St. Louis Regional Chamber