What is the Seal of Biliteracy?

Seal of Biliteracy
  • The Seal of Biliteracy will recognize students who are fluent in two or more languages. 


    Seniors whose first language is not English and have a 3.0 GPA or above in English 2 or have scored a 4.0 or higher on the ACCESS test, or students who demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language other than English as demonstrated on the STAMP4s or the AAPPL (both tests are available to take at home) are eligible to apply for the Seal of Biliteracy. 


    As a student who has received this distinction, you will receive a Seal of Biliteracy on your transcript and receive the Seal of Biliteracy certificate during the graduation ceremony.


    The 4 steps to receive the Seal of Biliteracy:

    1. Submit an application for this recognition.
    2. Meet all district and state criteria for receiving a high school diploma.
    3. Demonstrate proficiency in English and one or more languages other than English. 
    4. Demonstrate proficiency on the sociocultural reflection essay written in English.