- Brown Elementary
- Uniform Policy
A. Pants/Slacks or Shorts/Capri’s
1. Khaki, navy blue or black in color
2. No more than one size larger than the waist
3. Must be worn at the waist
4. No baggy/saggy pants or slacks permitted, not dragging the floor.
5. Shorts may not be worn shorter than 3” above the knee
6. Shorts may be no longer than mid-calf
7. Cargo pants/shorts with one pocket per pant leg are acceptable
8. Cannot be denim of any type.
B. Skirts, Skorts, Jumpers
1. Khaki, navy blue or black in color
2. May not be worn shorter than 3” above the knee
3. Uniform type skirts only, no tiered or mini-skirts
C. Tops/Shirts
1. Polo and oxford style button up collared shirts (short and long), in solid (no prints or designs allowed) colors of: black, grey, light yellow, gold, maroon, powder blue, navy blue, white
2. Logos may be any color but must be less than a quarter size
3. Blouses must have collars
4. Shirts must be long enough to reach past belt loops, but no longer than mid-pocket.
5. No sleeveless shirts or t-shirt style undershirts can be worn unless under a uniform shirt
6. Long sleeved tee shirts and turtlenecks may be worn under uniform shirts, but must be a solid uniform color listed above.
7. School spirit sweatshirts/t-shirts are allowed at any time.
D. Sweaters, Cardigans, Vests and Hoodies
1. Sweaters, hoodies and light jackets of any type may be worn in the building due to temperature changes within classrooms.
2. School spirit wear hoodies and sweatshirts may be worn at any time
3. Hoodies are allowed but hoods may not be worn in the building.
E. Belts
1. Any solid colored belts may be worn with buckles no wider than the belt itself.
2. Belts should fit, with the end only a few inches past the buckle.
3. No spikes allowed on belts
F. Jewelry
1. Minimal and simple in nature – non-excessive
2. Earrings worn in P.E. should be stud earrings for safety
3. Expensive jewelry is not recommended
G. Socks and Leggings
1. Socks, leggings/tights must be a solid color of grey, navy blue, black or white.
2. Socks cannot extend higher than mid-calf.
3. Leggings must be capri or full length
4. Leggings and tights must be worn underneath a uniform skirt, skort, jumper or pair of shorts
H. Shoes
1. All shoes must have a closed toe and heel
2. Shoes cannot be worn above the top of the ankle with the exception of winter boots worn below the knee.
I. Not acceptable at all
1. No oversized clothing
2. No patterned or brightly colored socks, leggings or tights
3. No hats, caps, doo-rags, berets or bandanas worn inside the building
4. No chains hooked to wallets, belts, etc.
5. No scarves unless worn for religious purposes
6. No jeans, bike shorts or nylon jogging pants.
7. No piercing on any body part other than ears.
8. No bare midriffs
9. No denim
10. No writing is to be visible on any piece of clothing at any time
11. No Tennis type shoes that extend beyond the top of the ankle
12. Winter/Heavy Coats may not be worn in the building.
J. Exceptions/Other
1. Please label all clothing
2. Uniforms for Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts will be acceptable on days of meetings.
3. Special non-uniform days will be scheduled throughout the year for special events and as rewards for classroom accomplishments.
First violation – Teacher will send note home with uniform policy attached, to be signed and returned. Student will wear school provided clothing provided by the counselor.
Second violation – Principal or designee will contact parent that a second violation has occurred and clothing must be brought to school.
Third violation – Parent conference and review of uniform policy and consequences of future violations discussed. School uniform clothing brought to school.
Fourth violation – Detention and clothing brought to school.
Future violation will be considered an act of insubordination and will be handled as such in accordance with the Hazelwood School Districts Code of Conduct.
REVISED 04/01/17