Learning at Home for School Closure (3rd, 4th, 5th)
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Material Pick-up Announcement
Posted by Hazelwood School District on 4/15/2020 5:15:00 PM
Dear Hazelwood School District Parents:
We’ve heard your feedback and as a result, we will return to the original plan on how learning materials, Chromebooks, and medications will be distributed. In an effort to get learning materials to students in an efficient and timely manner, we are asking you or a member of your family to pick up these items from the school.
Please expect a call from your building principal with dates and times available for picking up these materials for your child. For your convenience, your principal will be available on multiple days to reduce traffic and adhere to social distancing. They will also share instructions for the line-up process in front of the school for motorists or those traveling on foot. Medication and Chromebooks will also be available for pick up if this is relevant to your child.
By Friday of this week, we will place a list of all pick-up dates and times on the District’s website and we will send via PeachJar. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this unprecedented time. Thank you for your time and attention.