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Prop H Funding Brings Improvements To Hazelwood School District Facilities

HSD Summer Projects Prop H Summer Projects Prop H Summer Projects

The Hazelwood School District maintenance department has spent the summer working hard to improve the facilities around HSD, as part of the Prop H improvements. 

Prop H Summer Projects Summer Prop H Projects Summer Prop H Projects

It’s been a summer of revitalization as crews around the district continued renovating the sidewalks and parking lots and upgrading playground equipment. HVAC, chiller, and rooftop units have been replaced. The high school athletic locker room floors and pool decks have been refinished with epoxy coating.

 Summer Prop H Projects Summer Prop H Projects Summer Prop H Projects

Since November 2022, when the HSD community voted to pass the $130 million zero-tax-rate-change bond issue ballot measure, Prop H, the Hazelwood School District has been making improvements around the district that students, parents, staff, and the community can be proud of. 

Prop H Summer Projects Prop H Summer Projects Prop H Summer Projects