Welcome to the 5th Grade


    Hello Fifth Grade Parents,

          We, the 5th grade teachers, would like to welcome you and your child to the Fifth Grade.  Our classrooms are located in the north corridor near the school office.   Fifth grade is a critical grade.  Our goal is to teach your child Math, Science, Social Studies, and ELA using Standards Based Learning. The first week of school, we will do many activities to get to know one another.   We will practice Routines and Procedures.  We will give your child assessments to reacquaint them with them with grade appropriate content.   

           Parents, you will receive mini-messages from us via Class DoJo or email.  The mini-messages may include homework assignments, academic progress or updates for the upcoming week.  If you have a question or desire to make a comment, simply reply to the email/DoJo message.  Please set up a quiet space for your child to complete homework. The completion of homework is a critical part of their fifth grade success.  In addition, they are expected to read for at least 30 minutes each day.  

           We will teach your child how to take notes.  Note taking will help your child to be successful now and in middle & high school.

                 Your Larimore 5th Grade Team