Bring on the Tech!

  • Tech Team

    What is Tech Team?

    Tech Team is the group of students at SEMS responsible for the morning announcement videos, technology training, and picture in the building. We shoot videos, use editing software, play with GoPros, and learn how to edit pictures. So, again you ask, what is Tech Team? It's FUN!

    How Do I Join Tech Team?

    See your grade level counselor or principal for a referral to Tech Team.


Andreas B.- Anchor/Camera Abby D.- Anchor/Camera Justin E.- Camera Jasmine J.- Camera Courtney S.- Anchor/Camera Brandon T.- Video Editor Mrs. Mills- Teacher Sponsor
Andreas specializes in comedic interviews and his signature smile. Abby brings laughter to the camera with her jokes and quick speaking. Justin is diligent at getting the best video clips possible. Jasmine, or DJ JazzyJ, is responsible for floor-to-floor interviews and our playlist. Courtney helps bring peace and calmness to the news anchor crew. Brandon is the master video editor. Without him, there are no films. Mrs. Mills delegates and makes sure each student has their assignments.