- Lusher Elementary
- Reading Specialists
Meet the Reading Specialists
Mrs. Chilton, Room 19
Educational Experiences: This will be my 27th year as a teacher. I have a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education with an emphasis in reading. I earned my Reading Specialist certification in 2012. I have taught kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fifth grade. I have been a reading specialist for 6 years. This will be my fourth year at Lusher.
Favorite Quote: "There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book." -Frank Scrafini
I'm inspired by... I love watching students grow and become excited about learning.
Contact information: tchilton@hazelwoodschools.org
cell: (636) 667-1117
Mrs. Mink, Room 18
Educational Experiences: I received my Bachelor's Degree from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and my Master's Degree in Reading from Northwest Missouri State University. Lusher has been my home for over 24 years. I taught 4th grade for four years, 3rd grade for ten years, and 5th grade for eight years. This year will be my third year as a Reading Specialist! Reading is one of my favorite subjects to teach, so getting to teach it all day is simply amazing!
Favorite Quote: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." -Thomas H. Palmer, 1840
I'm inspired by... the educational growth of children! Being able to watch them progress throughout the year, to go from the unknown to mastery, to make progress in an area that maybe they were never successful at before...ALL is a joy that warms my heart!
Contact information:
Website Email: smink@hazelwoodschools.org
Voicemail: (314) 953-4600 Ex 33418 Text me at: (719) 581-9272
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