• 1st Quarter BIG IDEAS for PreK



    August/September Theme: All About Me/Back to School

    October: Fall/Apples/Pumpkins


    I can practice health & safety: hand washing, self-care, clothing management

    I can identify body parts/ I can describe myself using basic characteristics (personal features-hair color, etc)

    I can communicate personal needs, preferences and feelings

    I can tell about the functions of school tools

    I can state my first, last name, age, and the names of significant adults

    I can tell the rules of my classroom/participate in group activities

    I can recognize and participate in daily routines

    I can answer questions by using my senses and observation skills (why leaves change/what does fall look like/clothes you wear/what the weather feels like)

    I can use my five senses to understand the world and use description words (related to vocabulary)

    I can participate in nature activities (life cycles of apples/pumpkins/how to make or cook)  

    I can identify similiarities and differences (how fall is different from summer,  apples/pumpkins)


    Math Topics:





    Comparing Objects




    Introducing uppercase and lowercase letters Aa-Rr