Manners Matter

Manners Matter
  • The Manners Matter campaign specifically targets proper etiquette and mobilizes students, parents, and the community to partner with the district to achieve one goal - realizing that Manners Matter

    The key to achieving the campaign goal is participation from all stakeholders. The information below explains specific ways each stakeholder group can support the campaign.


    • Display courtesy, respect and kindness.

    • Keep your bodies to yourselves to show respect and to ensure safety for all members of the school district community.

    • Clean up after yourselves and leave areas you have occupied as you found them to maintain a clean and positive image of our district.

    • Hold your peers accountable by reminding them about the negative impacts of poor manners.

    • Promote the campaign amongst your peers.


    • Talk with your student about the importance of good manners.

    • Set a good example by showing courtesy, respect, and kindness to HSD staff and others.

    • Talk with other parents about the campaign.


    • Model good behavior. Use good manners with students and when you interact with others.

    • Set expectations for good manners. Being consistent about good manners is important. 


    • Be a good example of what proper manners look like in the community.When our students are not with us, they are in our community.

    • Encourage our students and compliment good behavior.