• Missouri Course Access Program (MOCAP) in Hazelwood School District

    The Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP) has developed a catalog of virtual online courses for students. Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, students will be able to take an entire course from any Internet-connected computer, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. MOCAP's mission is to offer Missouri students equal access to a wide range of high-quality courses, flexibility in scheduling, and interactive online learning. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the State Board of Education oversee administration and quality assurance activities such as related content and delivery of courses. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that provide virtual education outside of MOCAP are responsible for ensuring alignment and other statutory requirements are met.

    Eligibility Requirements for full-time hosted MOCAP Programs:

    • Students who attend full-time hosted MOCAP programs must be Missouri residents and will transfer from their current school to the MOCAP provider's host district, university or charter.


    Eligibility Requirements for non-hosted MOCAP Vendors and District Partnerships:

    • Students seeking enrollment in non-hosted MOCAP vendors paid for by the district must be fully enrolled in the Hazelwood School District. 

    • If applicable, a parent/guardian and student must engage with the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team prior to approval for enrollment.

    • The resident district IEP team holds a meeting to consider whether Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) can be provided by the host district and virtual provider.

    • Upon the IEP team concluding that FAPE is able to be provided, the IEP team will draft an IEP contingent upon the student enrolling in the non-hosted MOCAP program.


    Request MOCAP Application

    To find the current DESE-approved vendors and course catalogs, please visit the DESE MOCAP site. 


    Hazelwood School District has a district partnership with Launch for High School students in grades 9-12. You are welcome to choose any vendor. However, some vendors have host school districts. If a student enrolls in a hosted Mocap program, they will transfer to the host school district and no longer be a student of the Hazelwood School District. 

    Students seeking to enroll in MOCAP courses provided for or paid for by the district must complete one of the forms below, which must be submitted prior to each semester for requested enrollment. 

      •  Steps to Enroll in MOCAP Courses:

        • Students must be enrolled in the Hazelwood School District. 

        • Complete the Google form for the school the student is enrolled in. 

    For any questions or inquiries, please contact the Virtual Learning Department at 314-953-5204.