Career Pathways Handbook

  • Career Pathways can give all students the academic preparation, guidance, career-related knowledge and flexibility to help them plan studies that are in line with their interests, abilities, and career goals. The Career Pathways framework reinforces the schools' fundamental objectives of academic accountability and improved achievement for all students.

    This Career Pathways Handbook has been designed to assist students and parents in organizing the student’s educational and career plans. The Career Path format has been created to assist each student in developing a personalized six-year academic plan. Students should look at their interests, abilities, talents, and educational/career goals when choosing career pathways and then consider possible careers in each pathway. The intent is not for students to choose a specific occupation for the rest of their lives, but to explore career opportunities that are associated with each career path.

    The use of the Career Pathways Handbook will aid students in planning for their futures. Career Pathways will help students focus on and provide relevance to their course selections throughout high school. Each path provides a suggested program of study for entry-level career to careers requiring a baccalaureate degree and beyond.

    It is very important to realize that any educational and career plan should be reviewed at least once each year as interests, abilities, and options change with increased experience and information.

    The district hopes parents and students find this booklet to be a helpful resource in identifying the opportunities that will be most meaningful to each student’s future endeavors.

     For more information contact Matt McClellan, Career Technical Education (CTE) Curriculum Coordinator.