Cheryl D. Latham
  • Cheryl D. Latham
    Master CBM***
    (Board term expires 2025) 
    Phone: 314.643.8776 

    I moved to North St. Louis County with my family almost 21 years ago from Florida. As an Army family, we’ve lived in several diverse communities, including military bases. My involvement with Hazelwood School District began with volunteering at the school my sons attended. Next, I became involved in PTA and held many key leadership roles at the building, district, and state-level. I also served on or co-chaired many school and district-wide committees.

    I quickly came to love and appreciate our small, close-knit school community. I was impressed by all the positive aspects of our school community, but I also noticed opportunities for growth. With that in mind, I pursued a seat on the Hazelwood Board of Education. Thanks to the support of our wonderful stakeholders, I joined the Board in 2007. Since then, I have championed many issues related to student achievement, parent engagement, and equity. It has been an honor and a tremendous responsibility to participate in the decision-making process on behalf of our students. I advocate for all our 18,000+ students as if they were my own. 

    I am seeking re-election to the Hazelwood Board of Education because I believe the well-being of our children is our community’s most sacred trust. Access to a high-quality education is an essential component of child well-being. As a Board member, I will continue to advocate for all students to have access to the resources, support, and interventions needed to reach their fullest potential. A strong school district ensures we have a vibrant, safe community where we can all thrive. I have the experience and preparation needed to shepherd our district through the challenging times we currently face in public education.

    To continue my growth as a leader in education, I earned the Master Board member certification through the Missouri School Boards’ Association (MSBA). The certification focuses on contemporary issues in education, particularly closing the opportunity gap and the disproportionate impact of suspensions and expulsions on children of color. Additionally, I’ve been a presenter at MSBA’s state conference on two separate occasions.

    Professionally, I have worked in the child welfare sector for more than 25 years. Currently, I am the Chief Program Officer at CASA of St. Louis. In that role, I advocate for the best interests of children and youth who have experienced abuse and neglect and are in foster care. My professional background also includes serving as a 6th-grade teacher in Louisiana. In addition to that, I taught GED/ABE courses for at-risk youth in Florida.

    I am a graduate of Fisk University. My husband and I have been married for 35 years. We have two sons, who are both graduates of Hazelwood Central High School. We are also the proud grandparents of nine; two attend HSD schools. I am a proud member of the St. Louis Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Incorporated.