Shrapnel Sergeants

Shrapnel Sergeants
  • The Shrapnel Sergeants, designated team number 2408, are a FIRST Robotics team founded in 2007. The team operates as an after school activity at Hazelwood West High School. Students work under the guidance of engineers from Boeing and fully construct competition robots of various sizes, applying a multitude of engineering skills, such as the design process, programming, documentation, public relations, and even business & management.

    The game is on once competition day rolls in and 2408 puts their robot on the field. Each year, the challenge or 'game' changes, and a new robot Kit of Parts is released.

    The Shrapnel Sergeants are three-time FIRST World Championship veterans--FTC Hot Shot! in Atlanta, Georgia in 2010, and FTC Get Over It! and FRC Ultimate Ascent in St. Louis, Missouri in 2011 and 2013.